Who are we?

Meg Eberle and Kaia Sand, the founders of Vignettes & Verses, are a mother and daughter team who collectively offer many writing and teaching experiences, and the perspective of approaching memory writing from two generations.  Meg approaches memory writing from a prose background and Kaia writes poetry.  Through Vignettes & Verses, they offer workshops, mentoring and personal history interviewing and writing services.


Meg is a journalist who specializes in mentoring,  interviewing and writing personal histories.  She teaches memoir writing at the Multnomah Arts Center and Taborspace in Portland. A former reporter with the Portland Oregonian, St. Paul Pioneer Press and the Albany Democrat-Herald newspapers, she has written and edited several personal histories. She recently collaborated with her mother on Good Timber, a memoir of her mother’s childhood. As a reporter and feature writer, Meg interviewed and profiled hundreds of people. Meg is dedicated to documenting stories of person and place for future generations. She currently  interviews clients and mentors  them as they write their own memoirs.  She  also co-writes and edits their personal histories.

Contact Meg at meberle (at) vignettesverses (dot) com

Kaia Sand is a poet and essay writer with more than a decade of university teaching experience. She team-taught with Michael Glaser the Poetry England traveling writing course in Oxford and Grasmere, England, in 2005, 2007, and 2009. She is the author of four books —A Tale of Magicians Who Puffed Up Money that Lost its Puff, released this year; Remember to Wave, which investigates political history in Portland Oregon through poems and an essay; the poetry collection, interval, awarded Small Press Traffic Book of the Year; and, with Jules Boykoff, Landscapes of Dissent. A former artist in residence at the Portland City Archives and a member of PEN American Center, she documents projects at kaiasand.net. Kaia is currently executive director at Street Roots newspaper in Portland, Oregon.

Contact Kaia at sand (at) vignettesverses (dot) com



Kelly Running

Kelly Running’s poetry was published in the Fall 2012, Winter 2013, and Summer 2013 issues of Voicecatcher’s online journal. “Portland’s Living Room” appeared in the 2012 issue of Fault Lines Poetry. Medicine Wheel, (2013) is her debut novel in The Lizzy O’Malley Mysteries series, followed by Celtic Ties in (2016), and Pittock Mansion (2019).

Contact Kelly at kellyerunning(at) aol (dot) com


Liz Danek

Liz Danek’s stories have appeared in Mid-American Review, LA Times West magazine, and VoiceCatcher, and performed at Liars League of Portland. 

She has taught high school English and adult education in Los Angeles; Munich, Germany; and currently in Portland.

Contact Liz at elizabethdane (at) aol (dot) com.